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Gua Sha

Gua Sha

Regular price 2.824 ISK
Regular price 4.035 ISK Sale price 2.824 ISK
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Stone type
Gua Sha is originally from Asia and comes from traditional Chinese medicine. Gua Sha facial massage. Feel-good massage with the Gua Sha stone. You can achieve the best results with our Gua Sha stones made of Rose Quartz, Rock Crystal and Jade.
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In traditional Chinese medicine, Gua Sha is a simple self-treatment method that is effective for many ailments.
What does Gua Sha actually do? In addition to its soothing and cooling effects, the facial massage stone also has anti-aging properties. The gentle application of pressure during the massage stimulates blood circulation and can tighten and strengthen the connective tissue. The facial muscles relax. Swelling can also be gently reduced in this way.

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Approx. 85 mm

Low stock: 3 left

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